Give Get Grow


You can support The Nest
Project by donating childrens
clothes and equipment for ages 0-5.


You can request clothes, equipment and toiletries from us for your child completely for free. If you are a professional you can do this on behalf of a family you are working with.


We know how fast children grow, so you can request items as and when you need.

Our Story

We aim to be a welcoming and supportive service for families with children under the age of 5 in BANES who are experiencing financial difficulties, by providing essential children's clothing and equipment free of charge. We hope that by doing this alongside providing support and guidance, we will ease the financial pressure that many families with young children face, enabling children to have the best start to life as possible.

Why? 1/3 of children under the age of 5 in the South West are living in poverty. We want to help give children the start in life that they deserve by being an easily accessible and free service so that no child goes without. We want to help parents build a safe, warm "nest", without worrying about finances.

Who? If you are experiencing financial hardship and are living in BANES, you can request items from us, completely free of charge. You can either self-refer or a professional can do this on your behalf.

How? We rely on donations of mostly second-hand items, given to us by other families in the area who no longer need them. By re-using donated items, we want to promote local communities helping one another, as well as advocating sustainable living by reusing and recycling items preventing them from going to landfill.

You can request items here.

To find out about how you can support us click here here.

Impact Report 2022-2023

Download the report